
Showing posts from January, 2021

Lord, Will You at This Time?

Many at the end of the year have felt like the proverbial child on Christmas morning or classic roadtrip ride. Is it time yet? Are we there yet? Is it time yet? As fast as last year went by, many of us are glad to see it go. Maybe the disappointments in its differences or delays, or for some the unexpected tragedies left in its wake, fill us anew and in a special way with a hope for this new year. Maybe - just maybe - it will be a period of change, redemption, fulfillment. One last-minute yet long-overdue commitment for me this calendar year is to read through the whole Bible, something I haven’t done in many years. I’m glad to have been recommended as a guide, The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan (download the PDF and join me). [1]   One helpful feature of this plan is to have readings in different portions of Scripture, and thereby yesterday something in Acts 1 resonated with me that may with you.  Think of the disciples, having just gone through wave upon storm of tragedy