
Logistheca is a center of content about ministry & missions from Bruce & Danielle Dare, serving with Source of Light Ministries International. Our focus is on biblical resources for use in local churches and in service of the global church. Our heart is to be used of God in getting the WORD where it needs to GO.


The Dare Family is currently holding meetings with local churches and interested individuals to raise awareness of worldwide discipleship needs and raise support to serve with Source of Light at the headquarters in Madison, GA. We have been sent by Bethel Bible Baptist Church in Carneys Point, NJ. Consider becoming part of our support team!

1011 Mission Rd. Madison, GA 30650
(706) 342-0397 --- www.sourcelight.org

Providing the tools to finish the task

SLM is a global discipleship resource ministry established in 1952 that has produced materials in over 140 languages, distributing them through over 40 branches all over the world. Most are interactive correspondence courses in both print and digital formats. The studies range from children's Bible lessons to the Worldwide Bible Institute program for those seeking Bible college training. SLM seeks out local church partnerships - both stateside and worldwide - not only with their time-tested resources but also in church planting, Bible institutes, short-term internships, and countless other opportunities in sharing the Gospel.

Bethel Bible Baptist Church
20 S. Elmwood Ave. Carneys Point, NJ 08069
(856) 299-3307 --- ww.bethelbible.net

Pastor Ron Whitehead

Bruce Dare is a follower of Jesus, husband to Danielle, and father of three children, raising support for SLM to become Director of Publications. Having previously served on a pastoral staff for several years, Bruce intends to couple recent experience in logistics management and warehouse operations with formal education in church ministries and theological studies to serve in support of global discipleship. His most specific areas of interest and involvement are in leadership training, organizational administration, and cross-cultural resources.

Raised in a multi-generation Christian family, Bruce trusted Christ at a young age and answered a call to full-time vocational ministry at a children’s missions conference. His heart has grown over the years for least-reached peoples, recognizing the best use of Christian heritage and resources is to share them with and offer support to less-equipped groups and countries with what they need to fulfill God’s call in their own communities. Bruce holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Church Ministries from Northland Baptist Bible College and a Master of Arts degree in Theological Studies from Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Danielle Dare enjoys walking alongside her husband in life and ministry. Her primary occupation is in caring for their three children, which she considers a joy and privilege! In addition, she finds her passion advocating for women and children in desperate situations through Trades of Hope, a missional fair-trade business. Her hobbies include exploring outdoors, floral arranging, and reading when time allows. 

Danielle trusted Christ at the age of four years old after consistent conversations with her parents about the Bible. She felt drawn to share the Gospel with others after pondering the words of an old hymn, “I Love to Tell the Story.” Danielle holds an Associate of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Piedmont Baptist College where she developed a love of theological study. Her desire is to build redemptive and genuine relationships with other women and encourage them to go deeper in their walk with Christ.

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