
Showing posts from 2021

Dare Family Update: Fall 2021

“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9). When we first entered the journey to join Source of Light and begin raising support, we had certain ideas of how the process may or may not unfold. As we all know, life does not normally go as we anticipate. We find ourselves continually pivoting in the timing and details, though continuing in the general direction and path the Lord provided. While the enduring impact of the pandemic has made it difficult to follow our original plan of consistently visiting churches to raise support, the generosity and advance giving of our faithful partners has created a surplus in our ministry account. This, coupled with a change of ownership at my current job and the active housing market, has compelled us, as a firm step of faith, to pursue a move to GA and the campus at SLM headquarters. Will you pray for God's hand in this? As we daily follow the Lord’s leading, we trust that He will provide additional regu

Sometimes You'll Burn the Bagels

Motherhood is one of those things that has the power to make you feel on top of the world or like you are barely hanging on! One day you are teaching them to read . . . and the next they have no matching socks! Sometimes you turn the kitchen table into the coolest cookie cutout station or crafting workshop . . . other days there are still breakfast dishes sitting there when it's time for dinner. Cereal anyone?  Why am I writing all this? Because it is important to show grace - to others and to yourself. So many times there is competition among women. This shows up in two ways. We measure our greatness against our sister's weakness, which makes us feel better about ourselves, and we fail to be compassionate. Or we look longingly at that mama who has it all together, and we chide ourselves and criticize our efforts as "not enough." Neither of these is love. The truth is, comparison steals joy . . . and friendship.  If we are honest with ourselves, none of us could say t

Lord, Will You at This Time?

Many at the end of the year have felt like the proverbial child on Christmas morning or classic roadtrip ride. Is it time yet? Are we there yet? Is it time yet? As fast as last year went by, many of us are glad to see it go. Maybe the disappointments in its differences or delays, or for some the unexpected tragedies left in its wake, fill us anew and in a special way with a hope for this new year. Maybe - just maybe - it will be a period of change, redemption, fulfillment. One last-minute yet long-overdue commitment for me this calendar year is to read through the whole Bible, something I haven’t done in many years. I’m glad to have been recommended as a guide, The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan (download the PDF and join me). [1]   One helpful feature of this plan is to have readings in different portions of Scripture, and thereby yesterday something in Acts 1 resonated with me that may with you.  Think of the disciples, having just gone through wave upon storm of tragedy