Sometimes You'll Burn the Bagels

Motherhood is one of those things that has the power to make you feel on top of the world or like you are barely hanging on! One day you are teaching them to read . . . and the next they have no matching socks! Sometimes you turn the kitchen table into the coolest cookie cutout station or crafting workshop . . . other days there are still breakfast dishes sitting there when it's time for dinner. Cereal anyone? 

Why am I writing all this? Because it is important to show grace - to others and to yourself. So many times there is competition among women. This shows up in two ways. We measure our greatness against our sister's weakness, which makes us feel better about ourselves, and we fail to be compassionate. Or we look longingly at that mama who has it all together, and we chide ourselves and criticize our efforts as "not enough." Neither of these is love. The truth is, comparison steals joy . . . and friendship. 

If we are honest with ourselves, none of us could say that we have everything together. We each make different choices, and we are each handed a different set of circumstances. I have been challenged recently to be confident in the choices I am making, to not apologize for them as long as they are not sinful . . . and to embrace the joy and even the mess that comes with the choices I make. 

When we are able to be content and confident to be who God made us, we are less likely to judge others or ourselves with a harsh standard. We can be truly happy for that mama who just redid her kitchen cabinets all by herself with her pink power tools. And understand that last week she may have spent the day feeling discouraged by her laundry, just like you. Most importantly, we will be able to be authentic with others and enjoy the deep relationships that God intended for us to enjoy with each other. We will recognize that for each person there are amazing accomplishments and there are difficult days. 


Maybe sometimes you will complete your to-do list and end the day with a clean house and happy children. Be joyful in that! Maybe sometimes you'll burn the bagels...and that's ok too.


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