Dare Family Update: Fall 2021

“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9). When we first entered the journey to join Source of Light and begin raising support, we had certain ideas of how the process may or may not unfold. As we all know, life does not normally go as we anticipate. We find ourselves continually pivoting in the timing and details, though continuing in the general direction and path the Lord provided. While the enduring impact of the pandemic has made it difficult to follow our original plan of consistently visiting churches to raise support, the generosity and advance giving of our faithful partners has created a surplus in our ministry account. This, coupled with a change of ownership at my current job and the active housing market, has compelled us, as a firm step of faith, to pursue a move to GA and the campus at SLM headquarters. Will you pray for God's hand in this? As we daily follow the Lord’s leading, we trust that He will provide additional regular supporters over time to fill the gap long-term. We plan to schedule meetings with individuals and churches for future dates.

The sale of our house has progressed quickly, as expected, and we are now nearing the final stages. We are grateful God has blessed us with what has so far been a fair process. It has been our hope and heart that the home that we’ve enjoyed over the last several years will be an equal blessing to another family. At the same time, God has providentially confirmed even recently that this charming house, this American dream, this old world is not our final dwelling or place of contentment or rest. We are not eager to move, but we must go. We gladly give up what we must for the glory of God and the good of the Gospel. We pray that others will come, in heart if not in person! We have also been blessed by the team at Source of Light that is kindly and tirelessly working to prepare our next residence, which recently opened up for our use. There are still jobs to do, and our adjustment to a new life with plenty of significant challenges and changes - some temporary while others indefinite - will most certainly not be easy. But we are grateful to trust in the kind strength of God and the support of His people. Please pray with us and partner with us as God leads you. 


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